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when u go in the portal there was a hole in the wall and i didnt know what it was so i fell ;-

This has been one of my most popular games so far despite being the one with the least amount of effort put into it, I'm not sure where to go with the game so if anyone has any ideas that they would want to see added reply to this comment!

More areas to explore and more things to find. I'm personally super into the whole monster-less, isolation, wandering sort of vibe it's giving. Just keep adding areas to it, maybe make it downloadable. I'd also like a map or directions of some sort on the page somewhere. Been playing forever and still can't find some the stuff. Great game, love the art style and quiet exploration.

i cant go through any of the tiny weird hallways. Softlocked twice. 

This is cool! I really like the dust particles and the motion blur.

Thanks! I'm gonna try to add some actual game play soon, so there is something to do other than look around and escape.

I look forward to playing.